exam .. it sec .. wat else gosh..
wonder wat i am doing hah.. wat else if students who stay all night long.. they did two tings.. 1st they did "Good sort of things" 2nd "Bad/evil sort of Things" .. haha
do we need to discuss it.. ermm i wonder, hahah wat else ckp jer la.. tis is my world.. ok first we talk about Good ting lu la.. of course for me i like to hear the good first.. then the bad i used to avoid it.. hahaha ..
Good Ting is the list here:
1. Wat else tis kind of student did , do asiment the day before the day of submission lol..
2. Doing some research .. anything lo from ujung rambut sampi ujung kaki.. hahaha u guys no wat i mean ??
3. Download.. wat ever they can sedut.. they sedut.. movie ka anime ka software ka.. porno ka .. wat ever they hobbies refers to..
4. These kind of human like to hang out at night which they alrady reload it after class..can refers tis as Batman..
5. this sort of student who i hate the most is mak nyah2x college.. they hang at taman..talk about wat f***ing i dont wanna no.. i hate them.. if u wanna no y ... just loaf in front of college and wait len seng.. then u no it..
and many more..
as i told i dont like to discuss about bad ting and i dont even wanna tink about that hahah
most of us no wat we did bad or good is based upon ourself... cause ur attitude is reflect urself..
hahaha... the reason i post tis is to test my finger is it working normally or besides that.. tis is due to overuse of my own finger..me right down 8 pages of assiment.. hahah WRITE DOWN heheheh .. then after tis... prepared for tommorow exam lak... ENGLiSH..
p/s wish me luck tanks a bundle..
i think wat u list there is a "BAD THINGS!!".. no wonder.. and the things y u hate maknyah?? its because u had been rejected by them.. tats y.. even them.. btw, good luck.. heheh..
Okay Mr. Naga is just behind me reading this post, specially the last part :p
Only 8 Pages???.... heheh
so i guess, your finger is ok, aight?
Have you ever thought of testing something else other than your fingers ?
What a way to test the fingers anyway !!
Miracle ---you like this guy ha !
Helas .. 8 pages is to much 4 me lol.. hand writing bro, apsal did u had more than tis b4.. i bet u just copy and paste.. not exactly paste but writing down again as same as the references hahahah.. tell me if i am wrong... hahaha
hehehe, not my style laaa.... 8 pages without Diagram.. etc... sure have diagram right... well its up to you.. want to believe me or not... hehe...
Hehehe its nothing but wat i feel it lol dont mean anything.. there is a good side of it as well.. hehe
hah tell me about ur lo?? tat wat i feel it..
errr wat else .. other fingers.. n b the way tanks for the postpone.. then i can prepared... we Bowl tmrow
and Miracle...
y shud i did so.. i hate them cause they making bad impression for a GUYS like us.. dude tats what i tout lo..
testing something else huh.. hahahaha.. omg!! my imagination flew beyond my expectation.. hahahhaa.. i like all my friend.. and to make it clear, i love girls the most.. hehehehe..
well, yeah.. we shouldnt alter god's creation.. we arent god.. just accept the way we are.. n be thankfull..
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