protection of Swine flu ... is it protection??

today is the most craziest day and tired to me .. 
let me start with... this mask k!!!  supposely tis  mask belong to my frenz whos older than me..and i kind of had fun when we'll together.. when we're hang out and having  chat its nothing much but we're just talk about some1 that we tink its kind of funny and make we laugh ..
Back to the mask... heheh .. i had a chat with Mr.Atiff and he told me that swine flu has been detected  in asia and most probably in China or Japan then i will use tis mask to protected myself.. and Mis ALyani.. hahahaha 

Actually i dont have any idea what i am goin to write.. 
i just wanna post tis photo 


JonyBr said...

Arg... I never said China, tsk tsk, u never pay attention to what i say. There was a confirmed case in hong kong, thats what i heard in news.

PS: U look better in mask :p

Alexander said...

hahah, i am good without mask..

imsunnysideup said...

Is that you oOo? Gosh you do look better with the mask. Even better with the mask and your specs on !

Now peolpe around you need something to protect them from you-in-the-mask !!

shazra said...

thought it was a scene from phantom of opera. Anyway, with mask or without mask you look good
