
I like to shared  few pic here... most Probably u guys have seen it somewhere.. hehe but no worries i just like to update it here ...  its nothing much.. 

p/s: I get this from ... heheh guess who 

From this guy.. tanks Afi
and I give to Her.. 

Hang Out with .. 
Its Like tis la Miss .. 

it's Not wat U'll Tink k

Where is Me...


Helas木村 said...

no comment yet.. ish2

Alexander said...

hahah not wait for any comment.. its just for sharing hahahah

Helas木村 said...

sharing ?? or for make people jelous hehehehehehhe.....

Alexander said...

errr .. sort of .. haha

Helas木村 said...

aiya.. i know laaa... but also we got a lot of pic together (oooopsss)... yg dulu2 la... tym muda2 hahahahhaha
