When u tink u achieve something in ur life ???
when i lay down n wait for my self to sleep.. lot of ting come cross!!! that is y in order 4 me to sleep it'll take smtime ... recently, i've tinking that wat i have achieve until now..?? wat i have done that make my mom and dad proud of me.. ?? did i make some one really love n or hate me..?? past a year i tink i has made lot of people hate me, mad at me, i been lying a lot just to satisfy my self..?? lot of excuses..?? to tell truth i've single for almost 2 years... i tink the reason maybe it's all my fault.. but even it is my fault i still dont wat it is...but i dont really care its just small matter for me.. i dont need to sad the whole time.. today i am break up tomorow i am back.. hubungan aku ngan member2 aku juga x ok last year... maybe i canot be a good frenz cause i am not a good listener, i am not a good speaker, n i am not good to read people feeling and wat they tink.. ermmm dah nak ngantuk ni.. nak tdur luh la.. heheh
hooo.... yeke? think again... *wink*
well, i dnt knw u tht well, n sorry if i said too much... but ure ok kinda guy.. n its ok coz we're human, there's always b ups n down... but, hey, as long u want to improve, i'll say GO FOR IT!!! gambatte ne!!! \(>o<)/
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