Today exam reschedule for next week

Today is Friday...
And I am doin nothing, just stay at home and play with my computer, lucky me this whole week frenz of my left his P1 to us. So what else that I am waiting for.. A chance never comes twice… Actually his left tis P1 on purpose.. dia suh download kan movie and hiS wEekly English Series.. perHaps it was WeeKly..But I am never Got a Chance to use it b4.. bcause I do got a Paper to Attend but You know still I am not really study.. My excuse is just That “ Wait for My Mood To Study Stop By at me.. “ but Then I just came by for a Few Minutes than Other Mood fall on me… Hee hee tis One is Watching Time.. huhuh
U Know wat today I Am never going to give my “used to have cat” her Friskies.. Because of certain reason I am bring it to Alpha Villa Park and left it there hope she can survive.. I feel Guilty upon her.. but I can’t do anything. Housemate of mine mad at her cause she “ ***** ” on our mattress …. 2 days our house smell like a shit…

