gosh.. still not sleep yet

time is almost 6:30 in the morning.. i still sit infront of my laptop doin assingment which supposedly i had to submit last week.. but  i just do it today, gosh.. what happend to me........            what make me wonder is ... i still got time to hit the keyboard but not in M.Word but in this d*** blog.. heheh i don't mean it ok.. heheheh while doin tis i seeing my frenz.. who sleep tidely n i barely heard them snooring ... hahahah i dont wanna tell who is it... maybe they already finish it.. cause i see them did tis asiment from last week.. for me, i plan to do this from last week but then i just dont started... plan is just a planning.. to run what u plan is a planner itself..hahahah so while typing tis blog i am listening to Jai-Ho from pussycat dolls.. gosh man.. when i saw nicole.... she's really gorgeous
speachless la.. ahhhhh... x nak komen banyak2 la... bertambah2 lak dosa aku lepas ni.. dah la tngh nak kurang kan.. heheheh oh by the way.. jai-ho means VICTORY ... hahah i watch Nicole interview and she did explained about tis song.. and this song won award which i dont really no what kind of award.. i just saw nicole jew.. hahahah
By the way Helas.. wat week is this.. emo.. metal.. hahah for me wat ever week it is... aku layan jew.. hahahah 


sicKo^ said...

takyah buat assignment.. aku pun tak siap lagi..

Helas木村 said...

while i typing this comment.... wow.... still @ office.. ahahaha

imsunnysideup said...

Watching Nicole is a million times better than doing the assignment.-- so sicko---ferget the ass. , go for nicky !

imsunnysideup said...

ooppss---I mean oOo

JonyBr said...

Yeah right, doing my assignment my A** :p

chatting with al, chatting with me, writing blog entries, replying on millions blogs ...and doing my assignment *hoonh*

Helas木村 said...

u see... kantoi already ahaks.....

Alexander said...

guys.. guys.. thanks for the courage.. hahaha ..

hhaha i no la ur asiment is submit already.. really glad if could give a hand here .. haha

hah.. still @ office.. "stole the bones" hahaha

Watch nicole in the morning.. gosh.. heheh

i stop already k.. how bout u.. all night long.. xfiles xfiles gosh.. or it's xxx hahahah

dyon said...

ruby a.k.a rodhi :p...u jz realize abt nicky.oh goshh...pcd is totally damn great dancer..watch this n i bet u'll absolutely lovin it...ngeeee
Click Me!ps:but dun forget to complete ur asmnet k..nicky is nicky,pcd is pcd..but asmnt is asmnt orait dude..enjoy it!!

Alexander said...

thanks dyon.. hahah
asiment IT sec.. i tink i need to check with u lah.. as well as JSP hahaha

tiang86 said...

x yah wat la...
